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Some Quote from Pak Riqqi

Ceritanya, gw habis curhat panjang lebar ke Pak Riqqi, dan dijawab sama Pak Riqqi. Terima Kasih Pak Riqqi, saya selalu mengidolakan Bapak. hihihihi

Berikut kutipan paragraf awal jawaban dari pak Riqqi mengenai curhatan gw

Thats the reality, it is why the concept of SDI needed.

Bukan hal yang mudah memang meyakinkan orang lain bahwa data spasial
adalah data yng penting. Ini perlu edukasi yang panjang... panjang
sekali sehingga tumbuh kesadaran setiap orang akan pentingnya data


22 (3)

I love today!!!

 di kasih kado sama teman kantor lagi, ini dia kadonya
Terus malamnya, sekitar jam 9-an, saat gw lagi selimutan nonton anime ada yang ngetuk pintu kamar gw, ternyata si Nuli rahmasari yang tiba-tiba langsung bilang "pake jilbab" otomatis gw bingunglah walau udah rada-rada nebak bakal di surprise-in sih. Tapi yah nggk nyangka surprisenya sahabat-sahabat gw yang jauh-jauh dari Bandung datang :") terharu. Terima kasih telah datang dari Bandung dear Adzani Septarini, Rio Eka Putra dan Amral Nazar, padahal seharian ini gw galau lhoo, kirain kalian bertiga lupa ulang tahun gw. Dan terima kasih juga kepada Yudovan Vidyan dan Muhammad Legi Prayoga yang ikut hadir dalam surprise ini. I love you all.



22 (2)

Yesterday, my manager asked me to go to Lapan because I have to replace my friend, Akbar who went to Bandung today. But because of that I could get a new experience. I had always want to go to Lapan with busway, and today I could make it happen.

I had make appoinment with one of my office friend to meet him at there, our deal was we start from our houses at 10 AM, but at 09.30 he texted me that he has arrived, and I was still in my room. -___-

I took the busway at Karet Kuningan and then transited at Kuningan Barat To Kuningan Timur and transited again at BNN, and the last stop was Fly Over Raya Bogor (Pasar Rebo). At there I should take 'angkot' to kalisari, but I mistaken the car's written, I took a way to Mekarsari. But because of that I knew a new place. When I realized that I took the wrong 'angkot' I stopped in a place, than took taxi (again)

At Lapan, I finished what I have to do at 2 AM, and I got a ride from my friend to go to the office again, but before that we have to go to his house because he just brought one helm, and his house is behind UI, it's the second time I go to UI (the first time was when learned how to drive, and that was in the night so I couldnt look properly, UI is soooo big, ITB just 1/n). We rode my friend's motorcycle and the journey to office was about one hour, my body was so stiff after that. But that was fun.

When I arrived, Ka Mira gave me a gift, an organic oats lotion by Yves Rocher, I love the smell ever since I tried it for the first time, Vielen Dank Ka Mira :*

22 (1)

Hai, this is my theme song for today, Im turning 22 JSYK :)), thank you Taylor Swift

I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
If you keep me next to you
You don't know about me
But I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright
If we just keep dancing like we're


They asked, why I'm enjoying what I'm doing.
And I just answered, cause I love what I do, I'm the type of person that always love what I'm doing, never tired find the happiness from what I'm doing, cause I believe of some quote:

true love is when you don't know the reason why you love something (or someone)


Nama saya: Nandhy
Hobi: Kehilangan barang, semua barang
 dan kali ini yang hilang adalah dompet beserta seluruh isinya berupa atm 2 buah, ktm, ktp, npwp, sticker selena gomez, tiket konser demi lovato, kartu garaansi lensa rodenstock, kartu matahari, kartu wacoal, dan banyak lagi,

Mulai sekarang panggil saya dengan sebutan clumsy nandhy
